October 19, 2023
Reading Time
3-4 Min

Promoting shared goals through Off-site events

Startups and the Gig economy has made HR managers and corporations redefine the rules of engagement with their employees.

By now it is fair to say that the nature of work and team building has evolved in the past few years. This may sound trite that Covid19 has a bigger role to play in it. Startups and the Gig economy has made HR managers and corporations redefine the rules of engagement with their employees. Successful entrepreneurs now claim that building a good team is as critical as building a product. First Who, then what. Business Cycles, customer expectations and innovations are changing the marketplace at a breakneck speed. The traditional ways of team building like weekend events, team lunches, and parties are now outdated. Great teams are built by focused and motivated Individuals. Their interactions lead to new ideas. This team building and bonding is more critical for senior management. They are the people who set goals and give direction to companies to achieve them. Frequently, senior executives find themselves immersed in day-to-day transactional tasks. This takes away their focus from key strategic goals that they should focus on. To ensure they do not lose focus from goals and vision of the company, Corporates organize offsite gatherings.


Thanks to ‘Business Today’ for shedding light on the significance of Offsites and the role Hi Offsite play in driving organizational success.


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